September 10, 2021
typescript type vs interface
Type Aliases
Apart from the basic types in Typescript - i.e. string, number, boolean, there are also type aliases that we can define. For example:
type Person {
name: string,
age: number
Types can be combined
type Name {}
type Age {}
type Person = Name & Age
Or take on either value
type Woman {}
type Man {}
type Person = Man | Woman
interface Song {
name: string
interface Song {
artist: string
Interfaces can only help to define the types. Another thing is merging interfaces with the same name. Something that types cannot. You can only define one type with that name.
When to use what
Interface for React Component Props
interface TodoProps {
name: string;
isCompleted: boolean
const Todo: React.FC<TodoProps> = ({ name, isCompleted }) => {
Type Aliases for functions
type Person = {
name: string,
age: number
type ReturnPerson = (
person: Person
) => Person;
const returnPerson: ReturnPerson = (person) => {
return person;